San Diego Integral – Focused Integral Group Discussions
November 18, 2017 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
San Diego Integral is a community of integralist who share the excitement of contributing to the emerging collective consciousness. We are experimenting with whether or not a community can open space into a We-consciousness by using intuition and other subtle energies for expansive exploration and heightening presence? We are looking for the intuitive bursts of insight and revelations? We are asking what is the potential of this collective consciousness and what is the foundation upon which it stands?
The holding container we have developed is a Focused Integral Group Discussion (FIGD). This is a meta-structuring format where we deliberately switch into an agreed upon process to optimally utilize the We-Space. The objective of FIGD is to collectively feel deeper into any topic and promote a causal state experience where we briefly switch from a collective I to a collective we. A Focused Integral Group process is “running in the background” until a salient moment rises that we want to explore. These moments may come from a presentation, a poignant comment by a member, a poem…whatever has resonance and can be horizontally expanded by the collective. This moment is identified by the “moderator” who helps maintain focus.
FIGD have three parts. It begins with a formal focus, followed by commentary on the process and then a discussion. Each segment lasts for 3-8 minutes. We have committed to a minimal of three FIGD per meeting. We have found that the intensity of these collective focused moments have increased with experience and skill and seem to delightfully persist throughout the three phases. This is very much an experimental process we have been improving upon after each meeting.
Please join us if you visit the San Diego area and are hungry to participate in this collective experience.
Current information is on our Pages Tab and can be found here. https://www.meetup.com/kenwilber-61/about/
There are a series of short papers detailing the evolution of the FIGD.