

The Wisdom Factory

Crisis & Couple Intimacy

Transfigured by an Integral Lattice ♥ 

Tom Habib & Heidi Hornlein (June 2019)

The Daily Evolver

Growing into Childlike Love – The role of conscious regression in intimacy ♥ 

Tom Habib & Jeff Salzman   (February 2019)

The Wisdom Factory

How Couples can grow up the spiral together ♥ 

Tom Habib & Heidi Hornlein & Martin Ucik   (February 2019)

Find timestamps and charts HERE or view the post and charts on this website

The Daily Evolver
The Higher Stages of Couple Love ♥ 

Tom Habib & Jeff Salzman   (October 2018)

The Daily Evolver
The Predictable Stages of Intimate Couples

Tom Habib & Jeff Salzman   Valentines Day Interview (February 2018)

The Integral European Conference
The Highest Stage of Love  Tom Habib (May 2018)

Dr. Tom Habib, presenting his couples research for the second time to a broader audience at the


Dr. Tom Habib, presenting his couples research for the first time to a broader audience at the


Videos with Dr. Tom Habib

Crisis and couple intimacy

Tom was guest again in The Wisdom Factory and presented his latest findings from his work as a couples' therapist: How can a severe crisis be transformed into an opportunity to create a deeper connection between the spouses? Tom shows us a case study and explains the strategy with which he succeeds to get the partners shift into a new  phase of their marriage with increased intimacy. It is not an easy task, but certainly possible with the guidance of an experienced therapist. Tom explains the steps based on his integral awareness and gives very clear insights in the power distribution in a couple, into healthy and unhealthy ways of being together (Adult-Child dynamics) and points to the appropriate patterns to apply in specific situations.

By |June 24th, 2019|Categories: Videos, Videos2|0 Comments

Part I  Tom Habib, Ph.D. "Intimate Couples becoming 2nd tier explorers" The Couples Line - Intimate Couples Growing-Up Together The whole conversation and all the info around the show at the Wisdom Factory Website (click here) Please consider to subscribe to The Wisdom Factory YouTube Channel at

By |August 30th, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Part II of Tom Habib, Ph.D. "Intimate Couples becoming 2nd tier explorers".  The specific technique to achieve couple we space is described in this segment. The whole conversation and all the info around the show at (click  here) Please consider to subscribe to The Wisdom Factory YouTube Channel at (or click HERE)

By |August 30th, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Part III Tom Habib, Ph.D. “Intimate Couples becoming 2nd tier explorers”     Eight Directives to achieve We-Space All 4 parts of the conversation and all the graphs and tables shown in the video can be downloaded at You can also click HERE Please consider to subscribe to The Wisdom Factory YouTube Channel at (or click HERE)

By |August 30th, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Part IV  Tom Habib “Intimate Couples becoming 2nd tier explorers” The Couples Latice - Stages and States The whole conversation and all the info around the show at  or Please consider to subscribe to The Wisdom Factory YouTube Channel at (or click HERE)

By |September 3rd, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: |0 Comments

Intimate Couples becoming 2nd tier explorers  This is a full version of the conversation with Dr. Tom Habib with Heidi & Mark in The Wisdom Factory. ( The version labelled Parts 1-4 above are edited copies of this full version that also has explanations, graphs, and photos to help those new to Integral Theory. Otherwise thay are identical copies. You can also listen to this as a podcast and find the respective charts referred to in the audio at HERE Please consider to subscribe to The Wisdom Factory YouTube Channel at (or click HERE)

By |September 3rd, 2017|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , |0 Comments


00:00 Introductions and mechanics

02:53 First question for Tom.  Why is reaching  “we space” more difficult for intimate couples than for others? Tom explains that couples carry so much “baggage” that it’s actually harder to get past it into a “higher” state than for others with whom there is no history. This is true even for “integral” couples with their complicated relationships.

06:50 “Thinking” integral isn’t enough, and often not necessary

08:49 Great Rumi quote

09:30 Lower right is slow to develop, we often have an upper left bias

10:10 The Couples Line of Development chart: Tom introduces the levels

1 – Safety and attraction

2 – Roles

3 – Relational

4 – First Love  

5 – Spiritual

13:00 How to get from Relational to First Love.  Heidi wants clarification. Tom explains the persistence of earlier stages even at the relational level (where therapy typically stops!)

15:54 The goal is to develop the intimate we space .  See chart: resonance and shared feeling. Tom gives directions and examples…and Heidi throws a curve.

19:00 Eye gazing! Leads to a resonating feeling (May takes months of practice!)

22:00 Resonance can extend beyond the couple to others not present then or there (non local awareness)

23:00 It gets easier to enter the we space and is sought out, is easy to initiate

25:00 Some impediments for some couples, stability is required

26:50 Not limited neither temporally nor geographically, no need to be together, power places

31:00 (box) Staying in First Love seems not to be permanent, most time is spent in Relational. Persistence of even lower stages.

33:50 States and Stages chart: collective states parallel individual ones but tend to eventually predominate.  Tom gives an example (Helen Palmer) and leads us up the serpentine chart.

39:30 Heidi gives personal testimony of this serpentine nature. Maybe a SPIRAL?

41:45 Preparing for the exercise. (See chart for the couples themselves) a quick aside to current politics which may apply to couples – and vice versa.  Heidi explains.

47:07 Be careful with item 4! Possible jealousy if one’s partner enters a we space with someone other than the partner. 2 examples from Tom’s experience.

50:50 Tom’s paper in 2016 Journal of Integral Theory and Practice. At a high level, fidelity can become a problem because it’s easy to really love others.  Keith Witt’s “confession to Jeff Salzman that he “falls in love with all (his) patients.”  It will get complicated!

53:14 New chart: Skills and Couples Stage: at Roles stage, unfinished individual issues arise rather than relationship issues. Emotional discipline required! Also merger can be confused with communion. You need an ego before you can dissolve it!  Where does that couples line break down?

58:05 Mark asks about the “amalgamation” of the lower left and lower right

1:01:00 Material for another podcast! Continuing with the chart: the wound as an entry point. The lower expression can be exploited by politicians , etc.

1:06:00 Moving up the chart to First Love, in contrast to the reactive stages, a rational way to deal with problems leading possibly to a unity experience

1:09:38 Jumping to the ownership of projection, how to question if it’s present or not. Tom claims that in the BEST relationships, the rate of projection is 50% and everyone else approaches 100% projection! Our own history with this.

1:13:30 the subtle stages these projections re-appear as later on so we can read deeper and deeper now that the lower right structures are in place.

1:15:30 Plans for the next Integral European Experience, wish lists. Lower right work

1.16:50 How to reach Tom: Last words, thank you’s, goodbye’s

Conversations That Matter in The Wisdom Factory

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Dr.Tom Habib’s first conversation with Heidi Hornlein & Mark Davenport

“How to Prevent Couples from Snorkeling Mud Puddles” 

Couple Relationships As A Way To A Better Life

Find out how you can grow together with your intimate partner

Dr. Tom Habib is offering free advice on this website by ways of videos which talk about our topic, but also by providing various levels of collaboration in his research work, as well as membership to this website with free and paid content.

Crisis and couple intimacy

Tom was guest again in The Wisdom Factory and presented his latest findings from his work as a couples' therapist: How can a severe crisis be transformed into an opportunity to create a deeper connection between the spouses? Tom shows us a case study and explains the strategy with which he succeeds to get the partners shift into a new  phase of their marriage with increased intimacy. It is not an easy task, but certainly possible with the guidance of an experienced therapist. Tom explains the steps based on his integral awareness and gives very clear insights in the power distribution in a couple, into healthy [...]

By |June 24th, 2019|Categories: Videos, Videos2|0 Comments

How Couples can grow up the spiral together – the role of conscious regression in Intimacy

Dr. Tom Habib continues to be a valued guest in the live conversations of The Wisdom Factory. He appeared in December 2018 and again in Februar 2019 in the shows co-hosted by Heidi Hornlein and Martin Ucik. In the December edition we focused on the How-tos, what do couples actually need to do to grow up together, what behaviour needs to be developed and which mindset, in order to actually grow up and not get stuck in a lower level of the couples development. The February conversation brought some really surprising new findings about how real deep intimacy can be found between 2 people. Tom [...]

By |February 20th, 2019|Categories: Videos2|0 Comments

Growing into Childlike Love – The role of conscious regression in intimacy

Integral couples therapist Tom Habib joined Jeff Salzman again for Valentine’s Day to share his insights into the “couples’ line of development.” In previous conversations with Jeff as well as in several episodes of The Wisdom Factory Tom laid out the trajectory most couples take -- from initial attraction to role-partnering to mutual respect, to "first love", where intimacy begins to flourish into an exciting new we-space that transcends (and includs) previous stages. Here Tom talks about a surprising requirement of the "first love" stage which he found out by doing therapy with couples: when each person is free to safely and consciously express their [...]

By |February 20th, 2019|Categories: Videos2|Tags: , |0 Comments

Tom Habib at RADIO EVOLVE on Mature Intimate Couples

In OctoberDr. Tom Habib was the guest at Radio evolve, hosted by Tom Steiniger and the Organisation One World in Diaologue. He talked about his findings about the developmental path of intimate couples via audio. On this website you can find videos on the same topic as it developed through the last few years

By |November 7th, 2018|Categories: articles, Videos2|0 Comments

The couples line – Tom Habib interviewed by Jeff Salzman

In the first interview, Jeff Salzman invited Dr. Tom Habib to talk about his findings of the stage development which intimate couples can go through together. It was first published for Valentine's day 2018. The content of this conversation has been widely presented already on this website (see homepage). There are some new aspects due to the profound knowledge of Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics of the interviewer, who with his Daily Evolver is a leading voice in applying the theory to real life.

By |November 4th, 2018|Categories: articles, Videos2|0 Comments

Higher Stages of Couple Love

The Couples Line of Development specifies the developmental tasks for each of the 5 Stages of Development. In his clinical practice with couples Dr. Habib is finding that a simple awareness of the specific capabilities of  First Love (Stage 4) and Spiritual Love (Stage 5)  acts like a powerful catalyst speeding up growth from the lower stages most of us inhabit. The Higher Stages of Couple Love: (Video) In this interview we lay down and then contrast these specific skills (see  chart) while applying them to actual couple dynamics lovers will recognize. Do not miss this deep dive into the evolutionary capabilities of intimate love between [...]

By |November 4th, 2018|Categories: articles, Videos2|Tags: |0 Comments

“We cannot create peace on earth if we have war in our families”

H.H. • Quote of the Day

“The more we learn about our own patterns, the more we will be able to change towards the good”

Anonymous • Quote of the Day